The importance of reflection and we-time
A couple of weeks ago, all TIQQErs in Sweden gathered for the first time in One year, Eight months and Three weeks.
Something that has been very clear to us, is that 50% of us have started their employment at TIQQE during this One year, Eight months and Three weeks. So in reality you might have been lucky and actually met some of us in person, but even more common is that you’ve been introduced, had team-meetings and customer-meetings online, slacked your new colleagues and never actually been sitting down face-to-face with more than a few.
So, we went to Katrinelund. No agenda, no meetings and the only purpose for the whole evening was to hang out. Talk and get to know each other. Some of us met for the first time, and some got to know eachother better than the last time, and some met long lost friends.
“The possibility to talk, laugh and reflect together is what builds our TIQQE spirit. It’s in the we-time that new ideas are born and where we follow up previous challenges. It’s during these times that we remind ourselves of the joy of sharing experiences that slowly become stories and memories.”
And even if we chose a place that has excellent food and drinks, that’s not what will stay in our minds. Our hope is that when all TIQQErs look back on this occasion they’ll remember the personal meeting, interactions, laughters, discussions and that feeling of belonging that you left Katrinelund with.