Over a year now, we have all been struggling with our own endurance with the common goal that the whole world, and we, can go back to normal.
Throughout this time we as a company have tried, and sometimes failed, to see things from the bright side. If we can’t meet in person, we can find a way to meet online. If we as leaders can’t be close and see our employees, we can find a way to communicate anyway….We say that we were born in the clouds and that we’re used to work distributed and that is true in many ways. Just not under this long time, and we don’t intend to not see people in real life. Human interactions can’t be replaced.
When you’re meeting online or over the phone, it’s really hard to see the small signs and to catch differences in voices, facial expressions of feelings or moods.
So for us this has been working Ok, but not more. We’ve lost the track of some, in the shadow of being online, fooling ourselves that we still are connected. And in some sense the time has been moving really fast, and in some cases really slow and either way. It has been like this for a really long time now. And sometimes it’s been hard to remember the normal state that we had before all of this. The normal state for us is joint Friday lunches, where we all move in a lemming train over town aiming for the chosen restaurant. Have vivid discussions over a meal, where we try to solve large and small problems, or just have a laugh. This was the time to catch up with both our assignments and our private life.
It is also our TIQQE fridays where you team up or go single or don’t go at all, on something that you find interesting or that you get energy from doing. From the few ones we had the time to do before covid striked, our design of hoodies were made and our coach-bot Alejandro were created. And on our yearly kick-off we set the company’s goals for the year together, such as how many lunch’n learns should we have, what’s our percentage goal for diversity etc.
With that being said, it’s soon summer vacation for most of us – a time to reboot and recharge.Thank you all TIQQErsfor persevering, waiting for the world to get back on its feet. And I for one really look forward to the fall where we can slowly go back to OUR normal state, being in the office – being part of laughter and discussions. Or just the feeling of being part of a crew. For real.