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Last september we started the TIQQE Leadership program. In this post I am going to tell you about my personal experience and reflections I did about it.

Change is constantly in our life. You deal with changes all the time: in your job, in your everyday life and in your relationships, with others and with yourself. 
Everything changes, everything evolves and you can’t stop that.
The only way to not be left behind, stuck in your safe bubble you have hardly built, is to embrace changes, to be a part of them. 

Embracing changes forces you to continuously question yourself and actively decide to make actions that could lead to failure, loss or even force you to start from scratch, again. And sure, that can be scary but it is the only way to grow and to improve yourself.
Embracing and being part of change is fundamental in a developers life.
In fact, IT leads the evolution and in the last two decades we have witnessed a real and true revolution in the sector.
Software has pervaded our lives and reshaped them.

The way of developing software evolved, so did the role of the developer.
Working in a team, having good communication with colleagues and customers, feeling empathy, being flexible and able to adapt, listening and supporting, being nice, depersonalizing, taking responsibilities and having leadership skills, are all qualities that a developer should have to be successful. 

Mastering one programming language to develop a certain kind of product on a specific infrastructure is not enough and valuable anymore.
What is important instead, is the attitude to never stop learning, to start from scratch again with a new technology.
Being ready and prepared to challenge yourself is precious. 
Despite the name, soft skills are not easy to master at all, and in order to achieve some of them you really need to be prepared to work on yourself.
Not all the IT companies have realized that yet and above all not all of them dare to change.

Receiving the invitation to join the TIQQE leadership program was for me, like receiving a message saying “we believe in you, we are investing in you”.
That was really nice. I got really thrilled about the idea that I was receiving a great opportunity to work on and improve my soft skills.
The program had the aim of working and practicing with some really simple but powerful tools and making their use a habit, something that is a natural part of our way to work and think.
The tools give us the ability to see different perspectives and help to work on ourselves not only personally but also in a team context and in a company context.

The best part of the experience was for me, the possibility of sitting together in the same room and speaking about ourselves. It gave us the possibility of getting to know each other, and learning from each other. I thought a lot about what my colleagues have told during the sessions we had and I tried to bring some of their perspective in my life.

I think it was an amazing experience that gave me a lot and that showed me how much I can grow and improve both personally and professionally, for myself and for the people around me.

“Enable ideas, challenge the present, never stop learning and always be nice.“